The GullFest 2012 is on!
We are doing a birding warm up for the Arctic GullFest - the Taiga prologue. We have two nights a the Birkhusky B&B in Pasvik. Today we headed deep into the taiga to their cabin - and bird feeder. Finding birds in the vast taiga is a challenge, but a feeder certainly helps. We arrived by dog sled, an extraordinary experience in itself. As we got close to our base camp Nils Van Duivendijk spotted a Hawk Owl in a tree. We later refound this beautiful bird and got more decent photos. Of course we connected with our other target birds: the Siberian Jay, Siberian Tit and the extraordinary Pine Grosbeak.
A few photos from the day follows below. More photos to come later - these are just fresh out of the memory card. Tomorrow we take the coastal express to Vardø - a 3.5 hours pelagic.
Stay tuned for GullFest updates the next days. We got lots of nice things happening
Lunch at the fireplace in the taiga - Trine the very kind owner of Birkhusky, with Nils Van Duinvendijk, Tristan Reid and Martin Garner.
Hawk Owl Surnia ulula
Birding by dog sled - Arctic style
A very cooperative Hawk Owl - we lured it close with a piece of Reindeer fur! Imagine - Hawk Owl striking Reindeer!!
Seamus Enright sound recording taiga birds
Siberian Jay - a reflection of the Pine tree colours
More photos to come later - stay tuned
Tormod A. / Biotope