30 June 2017

Biotope online resources

Nature-based architecture projects and destination development.

As our projects diversify, both by countries and by themes, we wanted to give you an overview of some key onlince resources and places you can connect with us. This website is to a large extent a blog form history of our projects since 2011. More then 100 blogposts have been written, and should it be printed it would make a couple of books. While we keep posting longer form articles on this website, much of our content production have moved to social media, like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram during the past couple of years. We have also started producing weekly video blogs posted on both Facebook and Youtube. 

This brief blogpost is made to give you links to our various platforms currently in use.

- For longer form content and articles. A historical document with 100+ articles.

Biotope on Facebook: We much appreciate if you follow us Facebook as it is one of the best ways to stay in touch with our work. We regularly post news and views from our office and projects. In addition this is where we host our weekly video blogs.

The Biotope Vlogs: Follow our work through weekly video short stories
The vlogs are also posted on Youtube: Subscribe here

Biotope CEO Tormod Amundsen runs the Twitter account. This is often one of the fastest ways to connect with us both by engaging and via directs messages. 

We are increasingy using Instagra, and in particular the Instragram Stories feature. Daily snippets of the action at the Biotope office or on any trip or adventure is posted in Insta Stories. The account is run by Tormod.

At our newly set up Biotope Architecture account on Instagram you will find a gallery of various built Biotope projects. 

And of course you can get hold of us on email:
CEO / architect Tormod Amundsen: tormod@biotope.no
Architect Elin Taranger: elin@biotope.no
Architect Alonza Garbett: alonza@biotope.no
Project manager / admin Monica Esbensen: monica@biotope.no
Tech Ninja Raymond Haugen Olsen: raymond@biotope.no
Nature conservation management Espen Quinto-Ashman: espen@biotope.no

Biotope have been instrumental in developing and establishing Varanger as the worlds finest arctic birding destination. We are based in Varanger continue to work in the region with a wide range of projects. However we have in the past couple of years expanded our birding destination devlopment projects to new countries and regions. Do get in touch with us if avitourism and birding destination development is your aim. Some key Varanger resources developed and managed by Biotope are:

This website made by Biotope presents Varanger as a birding destination.

Twitter is a key media in the birding world. We post regular news and views from Varanger and Finnmark here. Run by Tormod and Espen.

Varanger bird news on Facebook. In Norwegian and English. Run by Tormod and Espen.

Biotope produces websites and digital resources as well as architecture. 

Hornøya bird cliff in Vardø, Varanger is one of the finest nature attractions in the Arctic. Learn more about Hornøya here:
In Norwegian: www.hornoya.no
In English: www.hornoya.com

Want to know more about avitourism? We have set up this website about the world of birding tourism, destinations, surveys, etc. 

www.biotope.myshopify.com (Biotope web shop)
Birding Varanger - The Biotope guide to the best bird sites in Arctic Norway. This destination guide book made by Biotope have now sold in 3000 copies. It will provide you with all the info, maps, etc you need for your next arctic adventure.
Find it on Amazon too: 

Thank you for following our work. If you need an architect specialising in nature projects feel free to connect with us!

Tormod Amundsen / Biotope