Varanger is the worlds easiest accessible arctic birding destination.
Biotope is a pro nature architectural practise, based in Varanger. We have been working for several years with the development of Varanger as a birding destination. We run the Biotope website much as a blog, and we regularly post stories about birding and nature related events in Varanger.
Please feel free to search our blog archive (in website sidebar) for inspiration and information for your next arctic birding adventure.
Update: Our new ´Birding Varanger´ website is live!
Norsk / Norwegian:
Varanger er verdens lettest tilgjengelige arktiske fugledestinasjon. I løpet av en dag i Varanger kan du oppleve den nordlige taigaen, tundra og arktisk kyst. Fuglekikkere og naturentusiaster kan oppleve enestående og rik natur i et fantastisk landskap. Varanger er spesielt kjent for store mengder av overvintrende arktiske dykkender. Mange kommer for å oppleve stellerand som er en svært sjelden fugl på verdensbasis. Den hekker i Sibir og overvintrer i Varangerfjorden. Det er likevel den store variasjonen av unike fuglearter som har bidratt til at Varanger regnes som en av verdens fremste fugledestinasjoner.
scroll down for bird photo gallery
Key articles / blog posts / resources
(Lots of info about sites and birds, also of interest for birders planning a summer visit)
-Steller´s Eiders in Kiberg harbour in January
-Eiders in Vardø harbour in February (ssp borealis, etc)
-Winter - spring - summer info folders
-Gyrfalcon versus Raven - Hornøya bird cliff in March
-Northern Lights on Hornøya in March
-Gullfest 2014 trip / event report
-Gullfest 2013 trip / event report
-Gullfest 2013 - the King Eider Vortex in Vardø
-Gullfest 2013 - Pasvik taiga birding
-Birding Varanger & Pasvik in May, 2011 promotional trip
-White-tailed Eagles showing off - May birding
-Red-necked Phalaropes surfing the waves in Vardø, August
-Pasvik taiga birding in October (Siberian Tits up close, etc)
-Biding Vardø in November - Grey Phalaropes & Blue season
Birding architecture & destination development in Varanger
-the Steilnes bird hide & wind shelter
-The Hornøya bird hide & wind shelter - the making of
-Stealth bird photo hide prototyping / Getting close to the Red-necked Phalaropes
- Development study / Varanger work in progress
-Mapping Varanger, early research, 2011 (with Snowy Owl photos, aerials, etc)
-King Eider photography & photo hide experiences in Båtsfjord
Birdwatch TV - the Hornøya webcam project (project website)
Rarities in Varanger
-Pacific Eider in Vardø, first Western Palearctic (European) record
- Semipalmated Plover in Vardø, july 2012
-Harlequin Duck in outer Varanger Fjord, summer 2012
-Golden Oriole & Pallid Harrier, locals in Varanger finding the rares
-Glaucous-winged Gull in Varanger (+more on Gulls and harbour birding in Varanger)
Varanger birds gallery
Click on any image for slide show view mode
Steller´s Eider / stellerand
Steller´s Eider displaying / Stellerender
King Eider vortex / Praktærfugler & ærfugler
Gyrfalcon vs Raven / jaktfalk vs ravn
Incoming alcids, Hornøya / alkefugler
Blue Fulmar / "blå" havhest
Pine Grosbeak / konglebit
Purple Sandpiper / fjæreplytt
Guillemots at Hornøya bird cliff / lomvi, Hornøya
King Eider / praktærfugl
Gyrfalcon vs Raven / jaktfalk vs ravn
Incoming alcids, Hornøya / alkefugler
Snow Bunting / snøspurv
Pine Grosbeak / konglebit
Ruff / brusfugl
Brünnich´s Guillemot / polarlomvi
Puffin fight club / lunder i kamp
For regular updates & bird info from Varanger:
follow Biotope´s twitter news feed @Finnmarkbirding
- If you have bird info, news of rarities or questions please tweet to @Finnmarkbirding
(or alternatively email
- or post your observations on (in Norwegian / Norways bird log)
- or post your findings on the website eBird (international bird log service) / or via the eBird app // //